Vaccinate Your Family
Navigating the Importance of Vaccinations
Vaccinate Your Family—whose mission is to protect people of all ages from vaccine-preventable diseases—collaborated with our studio to create new branding for their printed reports. Following the brand refresh, VYF wanted to update its website to be more visually engaging, quick to navigate to important information, responsive, and more accessible for users.
In the initial phase of the project, key pages were selected for redesign and updating in the new brand style. We redesigned the site navigation. The content was reorganized and divided into digestible sections of information. Certain content elements were also pulled out to be highlighted as callouts, sidebars, quotes, and animations. New photography styles and illustrations were added to make the site more visually compelling for the user. Once VYF saw how well those initial pages worked, we were asked to continue with redesigning the rest of the site including the homepage.