Family Planning 2020
Empowering Women and Girls
Family Planning 2020, a global partnership hosted by the United Nations Foundation, empowers women and girls by investing in rights-based family planning. This initiative is based on the principle that all women and girls should have access to modern contraceptives. Every year, FP2020 publishes a digital and print progress report, which includes a robust set of data visualizations and graphics. We have partnered with FP2020 to design the past three reports. Each year, the goal is to engage readers and provide updates to a diverse global audience of leaders, experts, advocates, implementers, data users, and donors.

We work closely with the FP2020 staff and the development team each year, taking into account the existing brand recognition of this report and organization. We have developed a clear, recognizable system for each main section of the report, which we build upon and refresh each year. The 2019–2020 report marks the end of the FP2020 partnership and includes a timeline of key milestones. For this final report we introduced animation on the homepage and made other design updates that honor the importance of this report.

The report gained widespread attention, with more than 290 media hits—including coverage in Newsweek, Al Jazeera, The Guardian, Quartz, CNBC Africa, New Telegraph, Global Health Now, the AP, and Reuters—with hundreds of people watching the live press conference for the report, more than 1,000 unique mentions on social media, and more than 200 new Twitter followers. The report was also available in print at the International Conference for Family Planning, where there were several thousand attendees, and the online report has been accessed by more than 3,000 unique viewers. This kind of reach has helped to build awareness and support for family planning work, moving the organization closer to their goal of increasing access to lifesaving contraceptives for women and girls around the world.